Murrumbidgee Men's Group, Riverina Bluebell unite for 7s Rugby Competition plot

Murrumbidgee Men's Group co-founder Rhys Cummins hoping to see a good turn out to watch their first rugby game. Picture: Taylor Dodge

IN A bid to draw attention to men's mental health, Riverina Bluebell and the Murrumbidgee Men's Group have joined forces.

While Riverina Bluebell is sponsoring the Murrumbidgee Men's Group's team in Waganah Waagangalang 7s Rugby Competition, the powerhouse duo will also use the event to put out an important message.

"We're using the day to promote men's mental health," Murrumbidgee Men's Group co-founder Rhys Cummins said.

The MMG will have a stall set up at the grounds with mental health resources to hopefully attract the interest of those in attendance.

"It's a new initiative for the MMG, it's a great platform to promote our group but to also raise awareness around men's mental health and encourage men to start the conversation and to speak up if they are struggling."

As he is anticipating a large crowd to show up, Mr Cummins is hoping to connect more men with mental health resources.

"There's going to be lots of people there, so we think it's a really great event to spread the word about mental health and there's going to be a lot of teams involved," he said.

Mr Cummins said by getting involved in the sports community it's allowing the group to get involved in different circles.

"Particularly in the sporting scene too, there's still a stigma there, so we really want to look at breaking that down," he said.

"What we're trying to do really aligns with the purpose of the Murrumbidgee Men's Group, connecting them and getting involved in the community so whilst some of the men from the men's group won't be playing, they will be coming down to support.

"It's creating that social network for them too."

"We definitely invite people to come down and have a chat and open up the conversation around mental health."

But for those who are more interested in watching a good game of football, that is also an option.

"Obviously, we'd love as much support as possible," Mr Cummins said.

Mr Cummins said Riverina Bluebell is helping them in getting mental health information out to the community by having helped with resources.

The game will be underway at the Conolly Rugby Complex Wagga on Saturday from 8:30am with the Murrumbidgee Men's Group to play at 8:50am, 11:10 am and 1:10pm.

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